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11-01-2019, 05:27 PM
gta 4 wineskin mac >>> (https://tinyurl.com/y7cc995b)

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3gDheAhrzFc/maxresdefault.jpg (https://tinyurl.com/y7cc995b)

https://i.imgur.com/wt3r2qH.png (https://tinyurl.com/y7cc995b)

Hey guys! Okay so heres a few questions ive got, so i just ordered a MacBook Pro Retina, and yeah i know, Mac's are NOT gaming laptops, but it would really be bloody awsome if i could get gta IV
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How can I play PC games on MacBook Pro? MocBucket62. Follow Mac computers actually have some descent specs inside the hood, and some games tend to run even better on the Mac OS then Windows under the right circumstances. The only game in my entire Steam library that I can't get to run is GTA IV and I think it's a Windows 8 issue because
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PC/Mac/Linux Society; Finally GTA4 performance issue solved. No quads needed. is the first one runs with all 4 cores of my CPU and the 2nd one runs with core 3 and 4 disabled for GTA 4
PC/Mac/Linux Society; GTA4: Save game locations? If you just backup your save games without backing up the xlive folder then GTA 4 can refuse to recognise your savegames once you reinstall GTA 4.
We have to account that GTA 4 was a new engine for next gen consoles, a rebirth of the franchise. I would take the physics, realism, and story of GTA 4. It could use some of the variety of SA though.
PC/Mac/Linux Society; GTA 4: Single player coop This topic is locked from further discussion. hoosin91 Member Since: February 23, 2006 hey i think so this is not possible in GTA 4, because of
I have played all games in the GTA series, except GTA IV. When it first came out, I had a pretty bad PC, and since the game was very poorly optimized, I was sure it wouldn't run on that PC. Now
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